(As Per 2017 Census)


Population ( 2024)




House Hold


Administrator's message

This democratic institution has been activated to provide all possible basic civic amenities to the inhabitants in the area by improving the service delivery mechanism in the areas of Water Supply, Sanitation, Street Light, Solid Waste management, provision of Parks and garden. Complaint Tracking System is close collaboration with PMDFC is in operation round the clock for registration of public complaints and redressing their grievances within 24 hours. The timely solution of public problems is the primary function of the MC in order to make them believe that their interests are being watched closely and are safe in the hands of an efficient administration.

Our Mission

Municipal Committee Gojra facilitate its citizen towards sustainable economic growth, infrastructure development, social development and municipal services excellence. MC Gojra promises to provide the basic amenities to general public with full dedication, commitment and exuberance and always striving hard to create business conducive environment, Citizen Centric (Baldia to Citizen) environment and implementation of E-Governance initiatives. MC Gojra plans to establish orderly development, well maintained infrastructure and efficient delivery of social services to its people.

Our Vision

An efficient, well-structured and modernized Local Government system that empowers and enhances the quality of life of its citizens through service excellence and improved municipal service delivery. To develop Gojra City toward engine of growth, center of economic activities, industrial promotion and employment generation.

Our Goals

Municipal Committee Gojra is focusing on:
• Spreading congenial environment for its citizen by providing improved municipal service delivery mechanism.
• Implementation of public health initiatives includes water supply, sewerage & sanitation, eradication of communicable diseases, infrastructure development.
• Providing public facilities such as education, awareness, recreation, regulatory functions related to prescribing and enforcing building regulations, encroachments.
• Looking after existing repair and maintenance of infrastructure.
• Planning of infrastructure needs in recognition of urbanization and wide spread of population in the Municipal proximity.
• Implementation of E-Governance initiatives in line with Local Government & Community Development Department, Government of Punjab decisions.
Implementation of efficient registration and redressal of citizens complaint mechanism system.

Awesome Image

Numan Ali

About The City

Gojra town was established in 1896 when colonization of Lyallpur (Faisalabad) began in the central Punjab. The  railway line between Lyallpur and Gojra was laid in 1899. The town was given the status of  notified area committee in 1904 and upgraded as B-Class Municipality in 1925. In 1906 the  population was 2,589, according to The Imperial Gazetteer of India “The business done in this rising mart on the railway, which has sprung into existence in the last six years owing to the extension of the Chenab Canal to the surrounding country, bids fair to rival in importance that of Lyallpur itself”.

In 1919 following the Rowlatt Act, hartals broke out throughout Punjab, Gojra was affected by serious protests and a member of the Church Mission Society had to be escorted out of the town by loyal residents.

After independence from Britain, in view of its increasing size, it was declared as 2nd class Unit in 1960. The town was raised to the status of Tehsil town and affiliated with the newly established district Toba Tek Singh on 01.07.1982. After the introduction of Devolution of Powers Plan, the Municipal Committee Gojra came into being on 12.08.2001. Gojra city consists of 24 Union Council and 36 Ward. Municipal Committee Gojra provide municipal services to 6 UC’s no.19-24.  Canal rest house is the oldest building constructed during British government in 1898.

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Provision of Machinery & Equipment for Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Gojra City
The Goverment of Pakistan has received a loan (Credit No. 6243-PK) US$ 236.00 Million from the International Development Association (IDA) for funding of Punjab Cities Program (PCP) and intends to use a part of the funds (RS: 201.19 million) to cover eligible payments under the contract for sub-project “Provision of Equipment and Machinery for improvement of Solid Waste Managment System in Gojra City”. The program will be implemented under the control of Punjab Municipal Development Fund Company (PMDFC).
The Municipal Committee Gojra is going to purchase the following equipment and machinery:
• Garbage Compactor 8 cubic meter capacity(Chassis & Superstructre) 3
• Water Truck Spray System (Chassis & Superstructre) 1
• Truck Mounted Vaccum Sweeper 4 CBC (Chassis & Superstructre) 1
• Dump Truck 10 cubic meter capacity(Chassis & Superstructre) 1
• Mini Tipper 1 cubic meter capacity(Chassis & Superstructre) 1
• Mobile Workshop (Chassis & Superstructre) 1
• Garbage Container 0.8 cubic meter capacity 190
• Hand Cart Waste Tipping Trolley 16
• Hand Cart Conventional 133
• Wheel Excavator (power(minimum)85kw, 4-cylinder)

Development Projects

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